
357 Audio Reviews

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I used to work in telecommunications so I have a softspot for phone noises. I'm surprised that someone did the art work for this track so very fast. Anyway, Certainly a lot going on and not ridged. Good job! :)

TheVodouQueen responds:

Hey there! Thanks for your review! :D Just wanted to kinda clarify that the artwork wasn't done for the track, nor was the track based off it. They're just really cool GIFs by random artists I found doing a Google search after-the-fact (after mastering the song) that I thought worked pretty well in-tandem with it. As in, a kind of visual representation of the vibe. I just sometimes want to showcase and appreciate / credit artwork by finely talented individuals for people enjoying the songs to look at...whether or not they influenced or were an inspiration for my own work. :3

Kind of like a spin on NGs AIM, however, I do encourage those who like the pictures to check out the artists and their hard work. I will notify if it's my artwork directly or was commissioned by me, but please support their work as well, if people want to and are willing. ♡

And--to those who do like the art--thank you very much for also enjoying this song! :) It always means a lot to me when my songs can give listeners good vibes!

I do not listen to Vaporwave or Synthwave at all, but it seems to sound on par. I can't really find much excitement as it seems to go on and on, much like ambiance tracks. I do hear the change ups in the lead as we go on. Over all I think its ok. :)

This is most certainly a track worthy of a Movie or Video Game score. I know very little about this genre other then it is very emotional and loud and I am just basing this off this track. Maybe slightly more sub might do it justice, but it is perfect as is. :)

ForgottenDawn responds:

Thanks! Believe it or not, I actually had to severely dampen the low end because it would easily overpower everything. Might have had to do with the preset I was using on the bass.

Very cool! Keep it up! Great job! :)

ZoidNG responds:

Thanks! More Y2K stuff will come out soon!

Neat. Test approved! :)

SarahRBC responds:

Hello tom 2 :o

Oh thanks! How did you know? :)

Positron832 responds:

I have a machine that lets me read people's minds mwuaahahaha

Atmospheric-y! Great job! :)

Mmmmmm yes! :D

Very nice~! Great Job! :D

Urbanstep responds:

Thank you so much!

Artist, Godot game dev, and retired DJ. I also helped judge the Poetry slam and Treasure hunt events in 2024! PFP by @cherry-garnet

Age 35, Dude

Warehouse Worker

Harrisburg, PA

Joined on 3/4/22

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