
33 Game Reviews w/ Response

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Not a bad game I did enjoy it!

gheedu responds:

thanks! It will only get better from here

Not bad-- hard to manipulate the playership at times.

Wreaker404 responds:

That's kind of the point, I wanted to try a unique way of moving the ship compared to typical asteroids games that would challenge the player's ability to control the ship's momentum without having a button to thrust.

When pausing the game, the villagers coming to your store wait timer keeps decreasing. Other then that this is a very pleasing game. :)

theyippiesdev responds:

EDIT: the pause bug is now fixed!

omg really? we will fix it as soon as we can thank you so much for your feedback and review!

What a great concept for a game. Good work! :)

MaxBytes responds:

Thank you so much! ^^

The frogs are invisible?

DigiiDev responds:

Was it for a specific game mode? Or just in general?

I like this. Very Cool pinball game! My only problem is that the character has one liners that seem to repeat over and over in a loop non-stop in some places.

Edit: That works! Thanks! :)

CubePunks responds:

i should have just pushed a patch to fix the repeat line bug (issue regarding asset importing & exporting).

please let us know if we solved the issue.

I played this, and I am blown away. Such a fun game-- hard to find fuel though... but maybe this was expected in the demo version? I def have wish listed this and will buy it when it becomes available on steam. :D

Asvegren responds:

Thank you! Yes, running out of fuel is intended. It makes more sense when each run contributes to meta-progression.

Game needs work. I selected ice team and it seemed I was overwhemeled immediately. Additionally the HP bars do not seem to work at all.

Edit: I was on easy.

octopus58 responds:

May I ask what difficulty you chose? The hard difficulty could be overwhelming if you haven't played before. Also the HP bars are for the forts on both sides!

Edit: Consider spacing out your soldier spawns so that you don't get all soldiers struck at once by one enemy, and utilize your summons. I found that different people picked up different strategies to overcome the barrage, so maybe you gotta find the right one for you!

Very creative interpretation of a hell meme on youtube. Good job everyone! :)

TigerPlushiefire responds:

Thank You YendorNG

I'm stuck at the chocolate part. How do I get the candy? I can't click Ms "I'm gonna cause a ruckus in school" and continue the game.

EDIT: Ah, just a glitch. Got it! GREAT GAME! :D

StormyDew responds:

Sometimes you have to click something outside of her first to actually talk to her like the signs or tobacco. I'll see about fixing up that bug.

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