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I'll give you a high score because of the quality of the game and script.

Sometimes I feel bad about the future. I was once an IT technician for almost over 10 years-- but when I realized is that people were unwilling to learn about the devices they owned, and simply wanted to get a discount/get money back/credit or they'll simply scream until they get what they want, I decided it was time to go. With AI on the way and cheaper labor elsewhere that diminishes my job, I decided I wanted nothing to do with it any longer and left it for a warehouse job at Amazon (which laughably pays me more then IT ever did).

But of course, as with your game, I will eventually be replaced by automation. I have no savings to speak of. The future is scary so all I can do is watch while the rich get richer and myself get poorer.

I'm sure there is a solution-- but this is a very real future we are inflicting upon ourselves and with the AI race now in full swing who knows what will happen in 10 or even 20 years from now.

Good Luck Everyone. Hope we make it through the next decade unscathed by doom robots from the future. :)

Chris responds:

Thanks for the in depth review! I'm glad that the game is resonating with people and that I'm not the only one who shares these worries.

Thanks for sharing your story.

A game that appears to based off of the old Chip's Challenge games, you play in tandem as both the capybara and a roomba cleaning up each room as you progress. Its not a hard game at all and the story was lovely. 5/5 NewGrounds stars! Good work everyone! :D

Bleak-Creep responds:

I think Chip’s Challenge was the first game I truly ever loved as a kid, so this comparison really makes me smile.

Intrapath responds:

Super glad to hear you enjoyed this, thanks for playing! I haven't played Chip's Challenge, I'll have to check it out - some other big inspirations were Rob1221's games, Time Fcuk, and Globule, those are cool if you get the chance to check them out!

Very clever. I like it. :)

Emptygoddess responds:

You're very clever, I like you.

I totally got all the medals, including one not listed. I am cool. Happy Clock day!

nukinukinukiki responds:


5 Stars, so action packed I spilled my beer on my table and pants. Its that good! Also cats. :3

FishBump responds:

Thanks for the awesome 5-star rating and feedback! We're thrilled to hear you found our game action-packed enough to spill your beer (sorry about that!) and enjoyed the cats in the game. We appreciate your support and we are happy to know that you have a fun experience with our game.

Not bad actually. Good work! Glad its not ALL bee jokes. :)

BluePinGames responds:

Thanks a lot! We have lots of stuff we want to add in the near future as well :D

What a fun game! Good job! :)

Extar responds:

Thank you very much :)

Its difficult. But you did a good job game construction wise. :)

XXChester responds:

Thank you for playing. Yeah I thought about putting in difficulty setting but I couldn't think of a better way than just adding more time to the clock which I didn't like. At the end I decided it can be a hard, rage game.

Parkour but with angles! Played it for abit. Wish it had music. But good job!

Tataram responds:

Yup I was going for a feel where you dont just straight up land in the platform but you have to adjust your angle and vault where required.

Thanks for playing.

Is a legit game. Very basic ball in goal type game with different challenges. Shop doesn't appear to be functional however. Good job!

raphaelcarrard responds:

thank you 🙏🏻

Artist, Godot game dev, and retired DJ. I also helped judge the Poetry slam and Treasure hunt events in 2024! PFP by @cherry-garnet

Age 35, Dude

Warehouse Worker

Harrisburg, PA

Joined on 3/4/22

Exp Points:
6,490 / 6,940
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Vote Power:
6.64 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
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