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I love Cosmic Fuck!

Quarl responds:

Here's a funny hat, let me know if you want in on the space ship program :D

Nexus is such a nice VST. I wish I could afford it. Nice track by the way! :D

The fish speaks the truth. Beware of "Cliques". Don't get sucked in!

Aalasteir responds:

Thank you, Yendor!

People should consider the type of effect their environment has on them and the "Cliques" of people they are around, which influences their behavior and interactions with others, as well as the social dynamics that come along with being in these circles. My advice would be: don't stress, be nice, and offer authentic positivity. If an individual feels down, it's important to take a break and not engage in interactive social circles while in a bad mood, as this can be detrimental to both oneself and the people around.

Always prioritize being in a good mental mood before approaching social circles, especially those you are not familiar with, and the dynamics that follow along. There are also issues that cannot be avoided that naturally come along with being part of a community for so long. It is difficult, but we also have to remember that this is the Internet, and people aren't necessarily being the most sincere.

It's important to engage in activities that support one's mental well-being and also take care of one's environment, such as cleaning, cooking, and ensuring one's household life is in order. Having these stresses can negatively influence your interactions with people. When you don't have your life in order, this becomes extremely difficult to manage. If you're like me and have difficulty prioritizing your personal life over Internet activities, I've made this mistake many times and ended up hurting myself because of it. I keep telling myself that I should be better at prioritizing my personal life before going on the Internet, so this balance is difficult to manage.

PsychoGoldfish is right.
You are on the Internet.

A lot of people are putting on a putting up a facade.
Don't give personal information about yourself out.
Do not be in a toxic community.

PsychoGoldfish responds:

Cliques aren’t inherently bad. It can be really cool to find a group you fit in with and can just be comfortable around and have fun.

But if you ever feel like you need to change who you are to fit into a group, or you have to accept things they do that you know are just awful (bullying, trolling, doxing, grooming, etc), you should steer clear, no matter how popular the ringleaders are.

Definitely be weary of any groups that revolve around a single person. Odds are that person is going to be a gaslighting narcissist, who will try and ruin you if you don’t go along with whatever they want.

Look for the chill groups, where everyone seems genuine and unique, and something healthy is what brings them all together, such as making art, playing video games together, etc.

Enjoyed hearing inkhandprint's views on things. I discovered her on Youtube as well after I was trying to figure out where all these extra listens on some of my music was coming from. :)

Thank you Aalasteir.

Aalasteir responds:

Thank you Yendor.

Nice. I know people in the Donk Genre who may like this.

This is a nice take on a S3rl classic. :)

SazzyBoi responds:

Confirmed by S3RL!

Wow. This is amazing stuff! Great work!

Raylectro responds:

Yes! thanks, but now i've goten way better

You def got some early millianal vibe. Its just kinda super noisy at points with the kick eating all the space. You will do well. Keep it up!

This is pretty gold. Great work!

Artist, Godot game dev, and retired DJ. I also helped judge the Poetry slam and Treasure hunt events in 2024! PFP by @cherry-garnet



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